By: Mr. Shem
I want to
continue my doctoral program in science of communication in Harvard University,
England cum laude. Then, I want to be the best
and youngest doctor
in the university.
I want to
be secretary general of united nations. One of program that
will do, if I become secretary general of united nations is, I will solve problems
between palestine and israel. Those are, I
will make negotiation with the
united states to buy island of hawai, then I
will make negotiation with israel for moving to the island. So, palestinian will get back their homeland.
I will do da'wah activities in europe. Methods of da'wah that i will do it is many.
a. Integrated
dakwah communication (idc), Da'wah that performed with networking or
partnership, will create an effective and
efficient power will
achieve results can
be a real and maximum.
b. Da'wah through mass media, da'wah through mass media is one of effective and efficient method. Moreover, da'wah among majority
of people have understood about the virtual and world
digital europe as.
c. Da'wah through educational institutions, for
being one of the factors supporting success of da'wah
d. Da'wah through scientific forums, seminars, debates and other forums. Because we know that the majority population
of europe has the rational and
logical mind. Then
to explain islam
must rational and logical anyway, is to perform
scientific transformation through scientific forums. So, it will be making
activities da'wah is success in
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