Senin, 23 Desember 2013


 (Studies of refusal Free Condom Distribution by the Minister of Health)

By: Syamsuriyanto
I agree to the plea about the dangers of HIV/AIDS. I appreciate it . but I disagree of way that take the National AIDS Commission ( NAC ) , which distributing condoms to the public. If a recommended way away from promiscuity to reduce the rate of HIV/AIDS, I agree . But if anti- HIV/AIDS campaign by distributing condoms to the public especially to the students, of course I refused. it Same as way opens opportunities for adultery. I hereby agree for the benefit condom use for family planning (FP). In addition, I encourage the use and dissemination of condoms in places of prostitution, among communities at risk, or a place prone to HIV/AIDS. Rather than HIV/AIDS is more widespread , the use of condoms in prostitution is still an option . It is based on the rule of law “Irtikabu Akhaffidh Dhararain” that is, taking the risk is lighter choice of two risky choices. The reasons for my counter to distribution condoms to the public, as follows :

1.      Condom usage Suitable for Localization.
Actually, AIDS prevention through condom use should be made of socialization. But the step distribution of condoms to the public, including school students and college students are considered not appropriate. We must support AIDS prevention efforts due to sex outside of marriage is done with the moral and religious approaches. The condoms distribution program should be better targeted in place of localization. Because localization is the source of HIV/AIDS.
2.      Condom usage Suitable for Persons at High Risk Against Transmission of HIV/AIDS.
The condom distribution program should be better targeted to those those are at high risk for HIV/AIDS (men with risky sexual behavior). Prevention of HIV/AIDS must be from upstream. There are various ways to disseminate HIV/AIDS prevention, so not only through condoms. Prevention of HIV/AIDS started in the upstream, with ABC policy.
Abtinence for the bachelors. Be faithful or unfaithful spouse to have a partner. This precautionary basis, because there is no panacea to fight the deadly virus. In addition, HIV / AIDS is not easy terdeteksi. Because AIDS was only discovered five years later. But people who had contact with the HIV virus was able to infect others. Therefore, prevention of HIV / AIDS must be terraced. Three are Three way to prevent the HIV/AIDS,. Abstientce abstinence, be faithful, and condong ABC.

3.      The use of condoms for those who are married.
The use of condoms for those who are married. Therefore, efforts to distribute condoms only sporadic action does not refer to the main root of the problem. Keeping the family resilience is a major and important effort in reducing the transmission of HIV/AIDS. The family resilience in question is made ​​as a fortress strong family and well, not easy to penetrate by an attack from the outside. Strong family is a family that has an intense interaction with bandaged love between each other so that members have a strong emotional bond.
Of a strong family to be born strong community that is not vulnerable to temptation and shocks, becouse the family is the establishment of community brick. Nothing is instant to solve a big problem, need to process and hard work. Come Indonesian family, fortifying themselves from drugs and HIV/AIDS, care about your family, give all your love to them.

1.      Violation of Islamic Sharia.
Distribution of free condoms, especially to the young, high-risk in the spread of adultery is clearly prohibited from Islam, even religions. If true this event led the Ministry of Health (MoH), Ministry of Health indicates ignore or do not even understand the religious law, while not sensitive to the aspirations of the Muslims become the majority population of this country.
 Today, our nation is being suffered tremendous moral crisis. The main cause of this crisis, the inclusion of the ideology of materialism and liberalism in all areas. The teens trapped into promiscuity by marginalizing norms and values ​​oriental religion. In this context, then they are very likely to fall into adultery. The main reason the distribution of condoms to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS is a very shallow reason. This action is like giving medicine while spreading the disease. Done just close the little wounds, instead of treating the source of the disease.
The main source of the spread of HIV/AIDS is promiscuity, extramarital relationships (adultery). Supposedly these issue that must be addressed. Happens, it is often just the opposite. Anti AIDS Day is often celebrated with events that lead to HIV/AIDS. In this context, the improvement of the nation's character is the main agenda should be supported by all parties. Distribution of condoms is not always the wrong course when given to adults who have a family, not to youth, students, and college students who have not the time to use these contraceptives. Agenda distribution of condoms to youth this means taking part in destroying the morals and character of this nation.

2.      Disobedience Against Religious Life, Nation and State in Indonesia.
Distribution of condoms to prevent the spread of the grounds of HIV/AIDS is a deception and defiance against the religious order, nation and state in Indonesia. Misdirection because it is part of the justification and omission for the adultery are forbidden all religions. For Muslims, to prevent HIV/AIDS is only one way, namely by not committing adultery. Indonesian Society majority of religious belief. The campaign is considered contrary to the dignity of the nation once known uphold religious values​​.

3.      Distribution of Free Condoms Against Custom and Religious Norms.
Distribution of free condoms against custom and religious norms. Because it can lead to increased free sex among students and the community. Distribution of free condoms is not one solution to suppress free sex, but will increase in adultery. The efforts by the government to do that with the closure and demolition of the places of prostitution. Therefore, starting from the location that the occurrence of free sex among people. Thus, the root of the problem should be eliminated.

4.      Distribution of Free Condoms together with Giving tools for adultery.
I refuse to distribution of free condoms to students and college students. Action within the framework of the national condom week is tantamount to encourage students and college students having sex though does not have a legitimate partner. Student and college students are a group that have not had a legitimate partner. The condom distribution will encourage them to have sex, although not yet have a partner.
The program is unsettling and offending Muslims because they do not conform with Islamic guidance. The program actually leads to commit adultery. Minister of Health almost do a lot of controversial programs, which are not in accordance with the views of Muslims.
The program is handing out condoms hidden agenda that allows youth to commit adultery. How not? People who do not have wives be given condoms. Is not this the same by providing tools for adultery.

C.    Legalized of Free Sex
1.      Distribution Condoms Shape Free Sex legalized.
I rate these efforts would lead to biased interpretation of the community such as, ordered to have freely provided that the use of condoms. It's like suggesting the students to relate freely. Distribution of free condoms can be defined indirectly approving and facilitating the free sex. It would be nice if the program is reviewed.
Because the distribution of condoms when viewed from the side of any religion is contrary to the teachings of religion. Distribution of condoms as if legalized understand free sex.
Supposedly dissemination of HIV/AIDS to student and college  student is done in ways that intellectual (Providing sex education to young people) and obviously that did not led to speculation in the community. Socialization can be done through the School Health Unit (UKS) especially religious instruction and Pancasila can deliver the learning proces.

2.      Giving Free Sex Facilities to the Community.
Not appropriate agencies such as the National AIDS Committee (NAC) organized the campaign. Education reform is an important character in the fight against HIV / AIDS. If condoms distributed for free, the same NAC facilitates people to have sex outside marriage. Especially targeted in the campaign of which the campus environment.

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